FPPA (First Person Personalized Activities) dataset contains 591 ego-centric videos of 5 daily life activities filmed by 5 subjects. Subjects are encouraged to complete each activity multiple times under different conditions and at different locations where they would normally perform them. Daily life activities: - Drinking water - Putting on shoes - Using fridge - Washing hands - Putting on clothes Subjects: - Single-subject: consist of videos from a single individual (subject_01, subject_02) - Family-subject: consist of videos from families, i.e. two or more people living together at the same location (subject_03, subject_04, subject_05) Meta: - Resolution: 1280x720 - FPS: 30 - Codec: H.264 This dataset is for research use only. Please feel free to email yipin@cs.unc.edu if there are any questions.